Applied gas energy research • benefiting end users • accelerated by utilities • with many partners
How We Do It Our Partners
We accelerate our impacts and leverage our resources by partnering with:
- Customers in member's service territories, as host sites to demonstrate prototypes or be early adopters of new technologies
- Leading public research funding agencies, with UTD providing required co-funding to R&D grants and thereby often tripling the impact of UTD’s funding:
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (DOE ARPA-E)
- U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
- California Energy Commission (CEC)
- South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and other AQMDs in California
- California Air Resources Board (CARB)
- Canada's Natural Gas Innovation Fund™ (NGIF)
- Minnesota Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
- CSA Group, ASHRAE, ASTM, NFPA and other scientific and technical organizations to accelerate market readiness for novel new equipment, when it is not addressed in prevailing design tools or technical methodologies
- Energy Solutions Center (ESC), Propane Education and Research Council (PERC), Center for Energy and Environment (CEE), Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), and other entities that support related technical research and market transformation
- Technology developers, national laboratory researchers, and university researchers, to help them through the well-documented “valley of death” with product development technical support, technology and market insights, and connections for field demonstrations
- Original Equipment Manufacturers, when validating performance of their products or leveraging opportunities to align with their product development efforts
- Utility-specific or utility-collaborative Emerging Technology Programs, and utility-specific Energy Efficiency Programs, to support the transition of new technologies from UTD to these key market transformation resources
- Operations Technology Development NFP (OTD), to coordinate and leverage research (e.g. RNG or hydrogen) that is relevant to end users as well as gas utility operations
- Low-Carbon Resources Initiative (LCRI) to coordinate and leverage relevant research (e.g. hydrogen) that is relevant to end users across gas and electric utility operations
Open Innovation: Submit Your Idea
UTD is always looking for great new ideas, technologies, and research partners! If you have a mid-development-stage applied R&D idea or product/technology that could significantly benefit the environment and end-users of gaseous fuels, please contact us and provide some brief initial, non-confidential information to explore how we might collaborate. We look forward to discussing next steps with you.
Efficient Program Management Partner
UTD’s research program is managed by GTI Energy, a technology development and training organization with eight decades of experience driving innovation in liquids, fuels, efficiency, and infrastructure.