UTD’s research activities and impacts have been spotlighted by industry trade magazines or other publications such as these.
News Releases
- UTD Expands Membership Across North America with New Utility Participants February 24, 2025
- UTD Announces Transition in Leadership and a New Utility Participant, Celebrates 20th Anniversary April 09, 2024
- UTD Welcomes DTE Energy as 20th Member and Celebrates 15 Year Anniversary March 14, 2019
- Integrys (Peoples Gas) Joins UTD August 25, 2011
- UTD Sees Continued Growth with New Members June 29, 2010
- Design Enhancements Provide Promising Results for Residential Gas-Fired Desiccant Dehumidifier October 4, 2007
UTD in the News
- Tecogen Announces Collaboration with GTI Energy and UTD for Hybrid Drive Testing
Tecogen press release references UTD’s support for Tecogen to collaborate with GTI Energy to test and validate Tecogen’s novel Hybrid Drive air cooled chiller prototype that is currently under development.
Tecogen, November 8, 2022 - Supporting the Advancement of Hydrogen Mobility for Heavy Duty Transportation
Joint industry press release references UTD’s financial support for a CEC-funded, GTI-led effort with Symbio, Michelin, Faurecia, SoCalGas and others to demonstrate the benefits and reliability of hydrogen mobility for heavy duty transportation.
Faurecia Press Release, April 12, 2022 - The Promise of Gas Heat Pumps
American Gas Association magazine cover story article highlights long-term support by UTD and others to advance high-efficiency gas-driven heat pumps.
American Gas, January 2022 - Assessing Hydrogen Compatibility with Pipeline Materials and Operations in the HyBlend Project
GTI news release references financial support by UTD and others for the U.S. Department of Energy’s HyBlend project
GTI, January 6, 2022 - New Industrial Drying System Promises to Save Water and Reduce Energy Use by 65 Percent
SoCalGas news release references contributions by UTD and others
SoCalGas, September 12, 2019 - Work Continues to Measure and Reduce NOx Emissions
North American Assn. of Food Equipment Manufacturers references contributions by UTD and others
NAFEM, June 25, 2019 - Innovative iGEN Self-Powered Furnace Advanced by NGIF, Enbridge, UTD and Others
Natural Gas Innovation Fund™ news release references contributions by UTD and others
NGIF, September 8, 2018 - GTI Report Delivers Quantitative Data to Support Natural Gas Standby and Emergency Generators
Data analysis done in coordination with UTD, OTD and others.
GTI, August 22, 2018 - CSA Group Issues Trio of Standards for NGV Fueling
With UTD support, GTI chaired the NGV 4.3 Technical Task Force and participated on the CSA Technical Committees that created the trio of standards
NGT News, March 19, 2018 - Innovative Hybrid Solar Energy System to be Presented at U.S. DOE ARPA-E Congressional Showcase
GTI, March 8, 2018 - Louisiana Gas Association, Royal Manufacturing, UTD and others partner at 2017 Louisiana Restaurant Show
New high-efficiency commercial foodservice equipment and analysis tool developed with UTD support were showcased
ILGA Fall Newsletter 2017 - Old Friends, New Funds Have ThermoLift Thinking Ahead
Innovate Long Island, August 16, 2017 - The Value of Collaboration in Meeting Customers’ Energy Efficiency Needs
Western Energy, June 2017