UTD Impacts > Enhancing Safety, Resiliency and Reliability


Enhancing Safety, Resiliency and Reliability


Safe Venting of Combustion Products

Safe Venting of Combustion Products

UTD’s research helped coordinate industry best practices for safe venting of gas-fired equipment through DOE’s Building America program, and helped develop VENT-II software for proper venting of gas-fired equipment. UTD laboratory testing in 2019 assessed the safety and guidelines for venting low NOx products in high altitude locations.

Stationary Equipment Combustion Safety

Stationary Equipment Combustion Safety

UTD has provided and is providing technical support to a number of technology and product developers, to help them ensure safe and optimum combustion performance with minimal instability, flashback, overheating, etc. This includes supporting end users and equipment suppliers in making a safe transition to the potential increased use of hydrogen as a fuel or when blended with natural gas.

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Natural Gas Vehicle Safety

Natural Gas Vehicle Safety

UTD’s research has helped inform refinements in industry-consensus standards to safely store CNG on board NGVs and safely use fueling stations, dispensers and on-vehicle fuel delivery systems, as well as other aspects related to NGV safety. As example, consensus development of the standards listed below (and many predecessor editions) included participation from a UTD project representative.

Advancing Resilient, Reliable, Economical Stand-Alone Equipment


Hybrid Gas/Electric Technologies

UTD is advancing equipment, products and systems such as those shown below that can alternately operate as gas- or electric-driven, which increase operational resiliency for end users. These “hybrid” or “dual energy” technologies can be in unitary configurations (i.e. combined in one product), or as paired components (such as furnace coupled with separate electric-driven heat pump).

Integrated Energy System Innovations

Integrated Energy System Innovations

UTD is advancing the application of economical and resilient integrated energy systems for end users, such combination water heating and space conditioning systems that are coupled with on-site PV, optional CHP, and optional electric-driven equipment such as heat pumps. UTD is validating and optimize performance, identifying best installation practices, and supporting pilot integrated systems which include low-capacity equipment or other innovative key components from companies such as those listed below.

Self-Powered Space Conditioning or Water Heating

Self-Powered Space Conditioning or Water Heating

UTD is advancing the availability of economical new products for residential and light commercial end users that are powered entirely by gas and leverage the resiliency and reliability of underground gas distribution. UTD is helping optimize performance, identify best installation practices, support pilot installations, or provide other technical or market-connection support to companies such as those listed below.

Gas Quality Composition Sensor

Gas Quality Composition Sensor

A new gas quality sensor introduced in 2019 by CMR Group and supported by UTD research provides commercial, industrial, transportation and other end users a new economical product to quickly and easily monitor gas composition, and help ensure product and equipment performance reliability.

Advancing Resilient Reliable, Economical Distributed Energy Systems

Micro Combined Heat and Power Systems Less than 50kW

Micro Combined Heat and Power Systems <50kW

UTD is advancing the availability of affordable new microCHP systems for residential and light commercial applications, which  leverage the resiliency, reliability and economy of gas distribution with high-up-time, high-efficiency operation but at new smaller-capacity scales. UTD is validating or helping optimize performance, identifying best installation practices, supporting pilot introductions, or providing technical or market-connection support to companies such as those listed below.

Combined Heat and Power Systems Greater than 50kW

Combined Heat and Power Systems >50kW

UTD is helping more end users achieve high-efficiency combined heat and power operation while leveraging the resiliency, reliability and economy of gas distribution.  UTD is developing and field-demonstrating next-generation integrated technologies such as FlexCHP, and working with leading companies such as Capstone Green Energy.

Back-Up Generation

Back-Up Generation

UTD is helping end users build more resilient energy systems by using dependable underground gaseous fuel to provide long-duration back-up generation during extreme weather events, as well as in some cases providing on-peak distributed generation to integrate and supplement the electric grid. UTD is partnering with leading companies such as Generac.

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