Applied gas energy research • benefiting end users • accelerated by utilities • with many partners

Why We Do It Our Goals


Save consumers money


Save energy and reduce GHG emissions


Enable safe, reliable, and resilient operation of end user’s equipment and energy delivery systems


Achieve superior environmental performance


Integrate with renewable energy sources

Our goals and efforts directly benefit our customers, our communities, society, and the environment. New technologies not only create more low-carbon options or increase the safety, reliability and resiliency of on-site equipment or energy delivery systems (e.g. microgrids), but affordable equipment with higher efficiencies can substantially reduce capital and operating costs.

By partnering with governmental agencies, national laboratories, universities, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, and other researchers, we’re widening and accelerating the availability of robust, new technologies for our customers and for our utility-sponsored Energy Efficiency and Market Transformation programs. And by helping our customers improve their efficiency, we’re also reducing our downstream Scope 3 GHG emissions.

But significant challenges and hurdles exist to develop and demonstrate new technologies, such as highlighted below for four groups of our customers. As a unique utility-directed not-for-profit collaborative, UTD addresses these challenges and hurdles to accelerate market transformation for our customers.


Residential and Light Commercial​​​ End Users

Learn about RD&D needs that UTD is addressing to help these customers reduce costs and emissions, increase efficiency, meet varying thermal demands, bolster energy resiliency, etc. >


Large Commercial​​​ and Industrial End Users

Learn about RD&D needs that UTD is addressing to help these customers reduce costs and emissions, increase efficiency, meet high up-time demands, integrate with existing equipment, etc. >


Food Preparation and Service End Users

Learn about RD&D needs that UTD is addressing to help these customers reduce costs and emissions and increase efficiency in energy-intense and often fast-changing environments. >


Clean Transportation End Users

Learn about RD&D needs that UTD is addressing to help these customers reduce costs and emissions and reduce dependence on petroleum-based fuels. >

UTD Shaping the Energy Future